Fool-Proof & Delicious Recipes for Those With Little Ones & Little Time
Despite the somewhat lengthy, multi-step recipes often featured in our newsletter, I usually have about 30 minutes to cook something flavorful and nutritious for my two young boys, my wife and me. I start prepping at 6 p.m. and we eat at 6:30 p.m. This means I sauté, grill, and roast at very high heat. Despite fairly adventurous palates—at times, nothing is consistent from one day to the next with kids, I have learned—I cannot get too creative and mingle too many ingredients in a dish. So these recipes are our family favorite recipes for our customers who are busy parents. Those of you with loads of time to cook during the week? Well, I am lurid green with envy. For the rest of you, a quick bon appétit.